Wednesday, 28 March 2018

People, the real victims of climate change

In the recent times,Delhi's air quality have been known for consistently decreasing .We all know that the air quality had decreased to such a level that visibility level was minimum.This problem attracted world over news channels and publications as environment and climate change adverse impact was purely evident. 
The problem was not only the visibility, the impact of this pollution was huge as it was seen on Delhi's people as they  were highly affected ,they were seen coughing all the time and some were reported to have series breathing problems. Everyone blamed vehicular pollution but the root cause was over exploitation of resource and gradual increase harmful products usage like plastics.
Climate change has truly not only depleted resources but also had immensely affected people living in Delhi and world over.And there is a need to urge people to use alternate resources so that the impact of climate change can be reversed.