Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Allow your children to be in love with nature

In our childhood we have played so many games, one of the game was hide and seek where we used to hide behind the trees, we have enjoyed our childhood playing here and there but we really see now children playing outside. The answer is no or very less, today children are more connected to playing games on phones and tablets. Ironically, we make a cartoon in subway surfer run but the children are not at all indulge in physical activities. They are made to study about the greenery around but can't feel the trees. On talking to Prerna Bindra, a well known environmentalist,  she threw the light upon this subject that parents should allow their children to be with nature. She also added that the needs of today's generation is are entirely different from their own in the lack of a more natural environment. Children of today's time are distant from nature. Children needs to be around nature to literally feel its beauty not just made to learn about it. If they will feel it then only they will be able to understand its problems and then only they will initiate to save it. Inculcating values of saving natural resources from very tender age should be there so that they fulfill their individualist approach from their very childhood.