Saturday, 7 April 2018

Let's use our kitchen waste in the right way

In my previous blog, I promised you all that I will disclose super easy and simple way of making composite so here I am. Composting food scraps at home is really important because these vegetable waste, tea bags, etc are rich in nutrients. These nutrients add life to soil and make it fertile. It is said that more than half of what we dump into the waste bins can be composted. Sadly, many of us don't know much about it. By making compost, we can actually help our environment and fulfill our own individual responsibility towards nature as then there will be no landfills polluting land, no waste polluting water bodies and diseases coming our way. 
For doing composing, we need to keep these four things in mind-
1. Proper oxygen should reach the composite.
2. Regular watering is really important.
3. Vegetable waste, coffee grounds should be added as they give nitrogen to the soil.
4. Carbon is also important for making compost which comes from dried leaves or paper

These are the golden things we need to keep in our minds to make ideal composite. For the whole process, stay tuned to my blogs.