Monday, 1 May 2017

Ever thought Why do we say God bless you! to the person who sneezes

Today, I am here to talk to you about a very casual sneezy reason.Strange Right!
The funny part is that we often say God Bless You! when someone sneezes in front of us but do not know the history of this that why do we even say it or the reason behind bandwagon. 
There are so many stories that are related with this sneezy peezy, some of them are as follows-

Talking about its history, people in earlier times used to think that when someone sneezes, there is a big chance that the devil will take his/her life so by saying 'Bless You', we tend to save a life.

Another story says that when a person sneezes, his/her heartbeat tends to stop for a second so by saying 'Bless You', we tend to calm down the heart and encourage it to start beating again. 

It was also believed that when a person sneezes, evil spirit can enter into his/her body and then he will take over his mind and life. 

Sweet but true, 'God Bless You' is said to be a very sweet gesture which is said to hope that the person lives a long plus happy life. 

There are so many stories that say different stuff but in my opinion say God bless you more often so that you become that one person who spreads happiness and wishes for others. 

Being selfish is important but being selfless is beautiful!!😃😃