Saturday, 29 April 2017

How to deal with Life Harming intruders??

People, the most interesting and the most difficult creatures to understand on this Earth. Today, a random thought clicked my mind that Why? Like Why? would any person on this Earth be so interested to know what's going on in my life?
What am I doing?
Why am I so happy?
But yes, there will be a lot of people who will come across your life and try to disturb you internally.They would constantly interrupt and try to make you fall.In this particular situation you will freak out and would not know what to do or how to handle this situation. But don't put your life into so many questions just calm down and read further.
At the first place I too did not know how to react but slowly and gradually people only taught me. Interestingly, this little trick is very useful and very pleasing.
That trick is to smile! heheh..
Surprised, I am sure you must be. When such situation comes across your way just smile and talk to yourself.Just clear it out whether that person's remarks are important or your future? His/Her perception about you is important or your own?
After asking these simple question you will be able to set your priority list and would rather get out of that scenario.
Remember to smile because it makes you healthy and your intruder unhealthy!!

Wednesday, 19 April 2017


Love, a beautiful feeling that is very very hard to express. 
Really very hard to express......
True, right! Love by its virtue brings a million dollar cute smile on your face and can be said as a beautiful gift of god. Whenever, you listen to this word you end up thinking of that one person who has made you realise of this beautiful feeling.  That person is a very important as he/she has made you a special individual by loving you  as you are and have gifted you this feeling called 'Love'. 
I know, I know now you all must be thinking about your special one.
So, without wasting much of your time, I will leave you with this cute smile!!
Keep smiling because it is free!!! 

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Lots of work

Work and work piled up on your desk, reminders on your phone disturbs you from other way. In this situation it is pretty normal to freak out  and get angry very easily but if you ask me I think there is a positive side to it. Irony is that this situation demands something from you, something worth doing, something worth learning.Confused! 
Some situations in our life makes us do lots and lots of work at a particular point of time but on the other hand makes us a better individual because as the work done by us will make us learn how to handle pressure and how to work in a new way. As when we will do the same work in future we would have an added advantage of our experience. Doing work under pressure is hard but at the end will make you believe in yourself by and large.
 So, stop worrying and start enjoying your work !!

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Creating Happiness!!

Happiness, is not just a word , it  is a feeling which is very pleasing to hear, see and feel but at the same time is very difficult to find. Often, people spend a lot of  time to find the reason to smile or to be happy but I think that there is never a reason to be happy because happiness is not found, it is created within yourself. In life you will get numerous reasons to be sad and feel low but there will be very minimal opportunities which will come to you to make you smile like Hhaahhaha. In your normal course of life just find happiness in little things because big things are just for a short period of time but small-small happiness can be created very easily. Now, you would all think is it that so easy? To answer this question, Umm no, it will be very difficult in the starting but with the course of time it will be your cup of tea.
  Try to locate happiness in your surroundings, By seeing the beauty of the nature or by  playing like a kid again because even your madness is your way to your happiness.  Look out and discover that one person who is happy for you, who always finds a way to make you happy and you never noticed him/her because that one person sees his happiness in you. 
Stay Happy, Stay lively!!

Being positive is better than being negative

I seriously didn't wanted to share this little secret of mine, but then I thought that you all also deserve to know that being positive leads to being different and being different means you are special. In this hustle-bustle of our busy lives, we often tend to forget the special role that positivity can play in our lives. Let's take an example if we fall into a situation where we here that someone has said something against us, we immediately make a perspective about that person and start hating him without actually clearing it out which this leads to negativity in our lives and which in turn is a disease to your happy life, trust me!!
 Blaming others for everything is not the solution because it reflects that you are a little irresponsible.  I know that this situation becomes  tricky as we feel angry and curious at the same point. Ironically, it has happen to me too but then I realise that getting angry at him/her is harming my level of patience and respect in the society. In such a situation we should always try to keep calm and be positive about everything because when you think in a positive manner, you end up getting solutions to your problems. Positive outlook helps you a lot in fetching yourself happiness which is the need of the hour. Moreover who thinks what is not important, what you think of yourself decides everything. 
So, stay positive, stay happy! 

Friday, 7 April 2017

Being social is equally important than being professional

It is very important to succeed in our life, to achieve your goals but it is equally important that you succeed with your near and dear ones as it is very disgusting feeling, when you are at the top of your ambitions but you really don't have anybody to share it, to express that happiness. That success or that achievement seems to fade away, that loneliness seems to take your happiness away and leave you shattered. I know it is very difficult to find such people who are happy to see you happy but your work is to keep trying and hunting for those happy faces with whom you can laugh at your own mistakes who are jealous of you rather they are curious for you. A lot of time you will fall into situations in which you would feel that he/she is jealous of me but at that time just remember that you are in no way superior than anybody. He is master of something in which may be you are nothing. 
So, find that group in which you feel you!

Saturday, 1 April 2017

When we feel stressed because of office work or any other load and do not know what to do ??

There is one thing that we can do and be happy is thinking about that one achievement for which we had started off because that one wish is the main reason for which we had begun our journey and that achievement is yet to be enjoyed. This objective of ours will lead us to reverse the stress level and move ahead. Office stress, marks pressure are just some of the hurdles that will make you stressed but at that particular point of time remember the goal which you wanted to achieve and you will be refresh.